Vein Removal in Kerrville
Treat The Veins You Can & Can’t See!
Spider veins, also known as reticular veins or roadmap veins, are very tiny superficial blood vessels that increase in size over time and commonly occur on the legs. Spider veins are inherited, and may represent a more serious underlying abnormal vein circulation problem. Standing for long periods of time and standing on hard surfaces such as cement will often exacerbate a preexisting condition.
And We Have Your Solution.
What Can I Treat with ClearV?
Facial, Leg, & Body Veins
Spider Veins
Port Wine Stains
What Happens If I Don’t Treat Spider Veins?
Spider veins always become more abundant and more unsightly if not corrected. The progestin hormone in women during pregnancy and menses tends to weaken veins and cause them to show in the skin more frequently than in men. Leg veins are genetic and found on approximately 70% of females and 40% of males.
Can I Treat The Vein Lines On My Face?
During your consultation, Dr. Ode can assess the veins and determine if this is the right solution. We do treat veins in the face and body as well as other indications.

Customizable Treatments with No Downtime.
Our Technology
ClearV is the preferred choice for vascular treatments.
ClearV effectively and safely treats visible vessels, broken capillaries, spider veins, vascular lesions and skin discoloration. Undesirable visible micro vessels and resistant unwanted subsurface vessels will be heated by the laser energy and will fade over time and become less noticeable. Patients have virtually no downtime and may resume daily activities immediately following treatment.
Treatable Areas